(Original Date: 3/23/2017)

Predi Designs originally focused its marketing around a project management system that would streamline the process for clients to ask for most projects. It essentially asked all the right questions and created a discussion board around each job asked of us. After a few months, it became quite clear that the system was not appealing to our clientele. It was designed to be a customized Trello that would conglomerate all of my client’s tasks into a single page. It was a convenient way for me to keep track of all the things being asked of me. Everything about it was custom built, so I still learned A TON about database management while working on it. Overall, it was a failed experiment.

Now, I just use email. No fancy tools, no hassle for my clients to learn anything new, just shoot me an email. I just keep everything in my email VERY organized and it seems to do the trick.

You can still watch a boring video of it in action if you wish.